Do I Still Love My Ex??

I dated this guy for 5 months, we were the couple of the school, everyone loved us, etc.. He was my first real boyfriend and my first love I guess you can say. We had a rocky break up in March but we kind of talked a little over summer, nothing serious just a catch up then we just stopped being cool with each other all of a sudden. We get back to school and for some reason I just feel like he hates me because of the way he acts towards me. He never speaks to me, (I know I can speak first) he doesn’t even look at me, and I just feel a weird vibe when im around him. The reason I think he feels this way is because I think he was hurt that I started dating this guy over the summer and he found out. But back to the topic, me and the guy from the summer broke up but i’ve lowkey always have been thinking about my ex since the break up. And these past few weeks I’ve been thinking about him A LOT. I don’t know if it’s because I’m seeing him at school everyday or if it’s because I don’t have anyone else right now. I’m afraid of texting him and telling him how I feel because I don’t like rejection and I feel like that’s what I’ll get. So I don’t really know what to do at this point. This is probably really confusing cause it is for me. I just need to know if I still love him or if I should tell him how I feel 🤷🏾‍♀️ 😫😫😫☹️.