So you believe?


Do you believe in signs? I do but I never received one. Until today... I think...I was driving down the road. I look up and I see a rainbow 🌈 no a full one just a portion of one. A small portion. I don't even understand and I can't comprehend how it was even there. Above it I see in the clouds ☁️ what looks 👀 like to me is a set of breasts and a stomach so I take pictures... i get home look at pictures and see a speck like a spirit speck. It gave me goose bumps. Like maybe it was my child I miscarried in 2014 telling me my rainbow 🌈 baby 👶🏼 is on his or her way. Maybe I'm over looking it. But I hope this is it. I've been trying for 3 years and 3 months since our miscarriage to get pregnant and Its been a very hard and trying road.