Third Trimester Annoyances

Carol • Mom of 2 under 2. AJ and Mia! [22 years old.]

At this point, I’m so over being pregnant. I’m up at 3 in the morning because of this ever lasting, stupid heartburn. It’s warmth feeling on my throat is killer and feeling it right there by my chest all the way up my throat is annoying. Being pregnant if it’s not one thing its another. Waking up to pee every hour or more, waking up with really painful Charlie horses aka leg cramps, along with cramps or Braxton hicks, or waking up like me right now to burning heartburn that make some ladies throw up. For me having a 13 month old who cries in his sleep like 3 times a night because he wants his bottle to be in his mouth (even though there’s nothing in there, and just wants it for comfort) getting up out of bed with this incredible pelvic pressure pain (because my baby is apparently head down and really low) feels like a whole work out on its own is pretty tiring and annoying on top of everything else. I want my baby of course to keep growing and thriving inside of me for as long as she needs (being that I’m only 34 weeks) but geez, I’m sick of being pregnant! I guess it’s just being close to 9 months pregnant that’s getting to me. Ugh just a little bit longer to go.