Any oil field wives/mommas out there?!?!

Me, my husband and 1 year old live off my husbands paycheck. I dont want to put her in daycare so I stay at home. We barely get by after bills andwe rent from my parents. He is tempted to get into the oil field which means only one day off and 16 hrs days. Our plan would be pay off his truck and put a good down payment on a house. He wants to do it for about a year or two to get us on our feet. He has great job now tho with his own work van. Im worried if he leaves he wont find a good job like that again after hes done in the oil field. We are young only 23. We want to have another baby but right now we can't afford it. How worth it to give it all up and go for the oil field?!?! I lose my husband and my daughter loses her daddy for a year or two 😔 help me out ladies!!! TIA!!