Finally got my period!!

Brianna • 💑 05/15/2015 💍 👶 Elias Christopher 09/16/2019 💙

I never thought I would be so happy to have my period!! I have been off birth control and trying to conceive since March 2016 and have not had a period on my own, until today. After stopping the pill and not having a period for over a year my Dr prescribed me Provera to kick start my period. Provera did help me have a "fake" period the month's I would take it, however, it did not jump start my body into naturally having a period. I was beginning to think something is really wrong with me and I am infertile and that my body is broken. My next step was to see a fertility specialist which I didnt want to do because then I would have to face the fact that something might be wrong with me. I have been researching PCOS and amenorreah and one thing I found is that our bodies may be lacking omega fatty acids, so I started taking fish oil supplements. Literally 2 weeks after taking the supplements I get my period! After a year and a half of no periods or Provera induced periods. I was so excited I wanted to share! Anyone have a similar experience or have any other advice to share?