search history: porn

So I went through my husband's computer history this morning and found that he had visited a few porn cites this week. 
We've talked very vaguely about porn in the past and he knows that it kind of bothers me but it's not the end of the world. But I don't know why I feel insecure about myself this time and I'm kind of hurt. 
To me what matters the most is that he isn't cheating with other women (I know some people might consider porn as cheating).
Should I confront him? Still contemplating because first of all I don't want him to get mad that I went through his search history and turn the problem around on me. Second, I know that even if he tells me he'll stop he won't because men are men at the end of the day. 
This hasn't gotten in the way of our sex life.
Should I be mad at him for watching porn? Should I be worried?
Ps. We're a very young couple.