Baby came!!


I thought I was going to be pregnant forever, or at the very least, overdue.

I had gone to the doctor a week before and was only 1-2cm and 50% effaced. We discussed that at my next appointment he would do a sweep and ultrasound to see how big she was.

Monday night (25th), I felt off. I told my fiance that she's coming soon. Around 2am I started getting contractions, but they were only 6min apart. after an hour, I called it and said screw it I'm gonna sleep. I turn off my phone, snuggle into my fiance's side, and felt a pop and gush. My water broke at 3am.

woke up fiance, and stood up to a huge gush of water. thank God for the towel I put between my legs lol. Got to the hospital around 3:30am, and while I was waiting for my fiance to park, more water gushed out. My pad beyond failed me. I was soaked and there water on the sidewalk lol.

we go in and are told to walk around a bit. at 630 I went back to L&D; as my contractions hurt and were close together.

went to the room, got the epidural and waited. It stalled my labour, so I needed pitocin. I was laying on my right side and took a nap. woke up and went to my left side and shit got real. Every contraction I felt a huge pressure in my butt, where bearing down was the only way to make it feel better. At 11:58 am, Sept 26 (3 days early), Emery Roselyn was born at 7lbs 12oz (exact her older sister).

they put her on my chest and about 10min later she was flopping, getting closer to my boob. she started sucking at my underboob lol. I latched her, and she hasn't left my boob since. She is amazing and such a good baby. I couldn't have asked for an easier baby.