Obsessing over everything.

Krystin • Lost my fiancé to a car accident last year. Tried for years to get pregnant and it never happened. Met a guy, wasn’t careful, and here I am with baby #1 on the way. Wish me luck

I'm in my tww right now and my brain is telling me EVERYTHING is a pregnancy sign even if realistically, I know it probably isn't. Crazy weird dreams, insomnia, gas, bloating, some diarrhea, fatigue along with a little more scatterbrained, my cats cuddling with my belly(including the one that NEVER cuddles me), and today my dog started obsessively licking me. (Tmi coming) I'm often-times completely nude in my home, I cover with a blanket, today my dog started licking my chest(i covered my nips because that's just too strange for me), once she finished with my chest she just kept nudging my blanket down and licked all over my belly. I mean this dog was sanitizing me like a doctor before surgery, it was SO STRANGE and she has Never done anything like that before! Not to mention I'm craving chocolate and candy although I don't really like chocolate. But as far as actual symptoms (sore boobs, cramping, implantation bleeding, etc) I've had none. Please tell me I'm not the only one!!