Baby Noe born at 32 weeks

Got some bleeding on Wednesday Sept 27th. Went to the ER and found out I was 4 cm dilated. Was immediately put on Magnesium IV and given a shot of steroids to help baby's lungs in case of early birth. 
Was monitored for 24 hours and given another shot of steroids. At that point, bleeding seemed to have stopped and I was transferred to a more relaxed room to be under supervision and possibly being sent home to rest if preterm labor stopped. 
Between medical assistance, praying, Reiki healing energy and best wishes from family and friends I was so sure we had made it. I was so happy to hear that I could be going home to keep him in my womb until he was fully ready. 
I was taken off Magnesium at around 1pm on Friday Sept 29th. And given Procardia at 7pm that day to keep contractions under control. 
My next dose of Procardia was at 1 am, Saturday Sept 30th. Blood pressure was really low and couldn't have it. 
At 4:30 am, contractions were pretty  intense and constant so I was given the Procardia to see if that would calm things down. 
At 5:15 am, they were yet getting stronger and at that moment I just knew that my baby would come. 
I let doctors know what my intuition was telling me and was transferred to L&D again. 
Contractions continued all through 6:30, that's when I started feeling the urge to push. Baby Noe was born at 6:58 am, Saturday Sept 30th. At 32 weeks, he's a healthy, pretty and tiny little guy. 
It's such a blessing to finally see his face but not being able keep him with me all the time to hold him and feed him is kind of heartbreaking. 
I can't say that I'm absolutely sure everything is ok at this point. But I am definitely praying that he continues thriving and we can take him home with us. 
Wishing all mommies due in November a happy, healthy, full term  pregnancy. And smooth labor.
You are almost there! 