Aaand now I feel bad.

Cake • It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

I was raised in a strict Christian home, but left the church almost 4 years ago, when I discovered Witchcraft. It's been wonderful. This is the religion I've always searched for and even after all these years it still feels like I found my "home" (so to speak).

However, I still do things with my family's church. On birthdays I attend, Mother's Day and Father's Day if I have off work, or if my nieces and nephews are preforming I'll go. Things like that.

Well a few days ago, a bishop passed away. He was a great man and a friend of the family - and the church was his life. I went to the funeral with my dad, and there were a lot of hymns (the man loved songs). Out of respect for him and his memory, I sang them (with the congregation, not on my own or anything).

And now my dad won't stop talking about it! He told me after that it made him teary-eyed to hear me singing hymns again and he said that like 3 times before I went home THAT DAY. And then apparently he told my mom, and the rest of my family and yesterday (4 days after the funeral), he calls me to talk and he and my mom bring it up again and how special that was.

I feel bad. It's pretty obvious they think I'm "changing my ways" and I'm coming back to the church. I know my family. This is definitely what they're thinking. When that's not it at all. I was just paying my respects to a good man who loved hymns. But they're so excited and are all full of hope now. I hate to tell them flat out and crush them. Hell, my mom CRIED when I told her I resigned from the church years ago. I can't make her re-live that. Ugh. I feel terrible about giving them hope. I thought we were past this.

For any of the Christian members here, would you want your child to tell you flat out how things are in a situation like this? Or would you rather keep that hope and be left in the dark? For any Pagans here, how would you handle this situation? Crush them or let them figure it out on their own?