Bleeding while pregnant?

Adina • I`m 24 with a 2 year old boy and another on the way. Married for 3 yrs.

This is my second child. My first is 19 months. 2 days ago I started what seemed like my period , which mine are usually heavy & last for 3-4 days. I had clots like I always do for every period & mild cramping. I called the hospital & they told me to give it a few days unless I am filling more than one pad within a 2 hr time span or if I'm havin abdominal pains. They said it's possible that I'm just miscarrying & to wait it out & then take another test to see if it says negative. I'm still on my "period" no pain. It just seems like a normal period. I've never heard of this happening... is it a chance that the baby is still there??