

My husband and I are very lucky and blessed to have our 4 year old daughter. Pregnancy the second time around has been very difficult. We became pregnant in November of 2015 and miscarried at 10 weeks and then miscarried again in April of 2016. Since then, we've struggled with the idea of trying to conceive. I've been ready when he was not. Recently, he brought up the idea of trying again (on his own) and told me he was ready. Of course, I was over the moon!!! This week was my window so we've been trying. Well last night he told me he's stressed at work and the idea of "actually trying" puts stress on him so he's not sure he's ready again. I understand he's stressed, but after everything we've been through, it hurts for him to bring it up and us actively start trying again and then him just say we need to stop. I guess I just needed to vent..but was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to go about this? I told him that it obviously hurt my feelings and I don't want to be selfish because we've both been through a lot with the miscarriages, but I'm really confused at this point on where to go from here!