baby advice

i had my baby shower a few weeks ago and one of the little games was an "advice for the new mum" sheet, everyone filled one out and i took them all home and reading through them has made me quite angry and im not sure if its just my pregnancy hormones and i know its their advice but i really didnt enjoy reading multiple different ones telling me how to raise my child and how not to raise her, telling me i shouldn't do something and instead i need to do this etc, i wont go into detail of what everyone wrote but i was kinda hoping everyone would just write the usual "dont be afraid to ask for help" etc. Am i overreacting? im just a firm believer in not telling other mothers how they should raise their baby, because i know that every mother knows what they want for their child/children and its always going to be different to how you want to raise your child/children. I feel like im going to get attacked on this post but it has really bothered me the amount of people at my baby shower who decided to tell me how i should and shouldn't raise my daughter. I dont think im overreacting