Newbie here...

Lori • Married💞 2 Fur babies🐶 Mama2B in Sept! 👶🏻💛

I'm very new to this app, so bare with me :)

My husband and I just decided to start TTC the 1st of Sept. We're keeping it a secret, so I'm turning to you ladies for advice. First day of LMP was Aug. 28. As of today I am 5 days late. I took a HPT Sept. 23, 3 days before my expected period, and another today (Oct. 1). Both said negative. I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I feel like it's probably just because I stopped my BC Aug. 27, and I've been on BC for years prior to this. I'm just used to AF coming every 28 days like clockwork. I had light cramps early last week, and my nipples (not breasts) have been extremely sensitive the past 3ish days. But nothing has come of it. What do ya'll think? Am I expecting too much too soon? Should I expect my first period after stopping BC to be quite late? TIA 💗