Missing Period

Before going on the pill about two years ago my periods were like clockwork- exactly 28 days apart every time. After going on the pill my periods were pretty regular at first, definitely much lighter, but came when expected. But a few months ago I had all of the symptoms I usually get before my period starts (moodiness, cramps, etc) but then my period never came. The next month it was back to usual and had been since. My period was supposed to start this past Sunday- I had cramps and felt like it was going to start but

Like a few months ago- still nothing. I take my pill exactly at the right time every day, I haven't missed a pill and my boyfriend wears a condom every time. I know the likelihood that I am pregnant is slim, especially since this has happened before, but it's still nerve racking waiting for it to come for a whole month. Does this happened to anyone else? Any advice or words to ease my mind would be greatly appreciated!