its not easy but its worth it

so my last relationship was just bad but I was so dumb.. he as emotionally abusive I literally cryed my self to sleep every night. lied all the time I don't even know if anything he told me was the truth. he was cheating on me with gay guys but every time all the evidence I needed was right there slapping me in the face like the text to the guys all the shit in grinder and all the messages on there and so much more. I beleaved him when he told me I was crazy and he wasn't gay cuz I loved him and thought I could get no one else cuz I wasn't worth no one else. But with the help of some people who loved me I got away from him I started to be happy again my kids where back to there happy selfs again to I didn't even realize how my stupidity was effecting them and I realized I am amazing an can do it all buy my selfs... a few months later I met this guy and he is the sweetest most amazing man ever we have only bin together a short time but he makes me feel like I have known him for ever and makes me feel like I can concor the world treats me like a princess and my kids think he's pretty awesome 2... he's my best friend I'm getting to fall in love with my best friend I never thought that I would have that but I do. I posting this cuz I read on here all the time girls saying how there some guy treating them wrong but they can't leave cuz they love them or there stuck and don't know how to leave just do it there is some one better out there for you your amazing and. can do anything 😘😘