advise, im so fed up


So I was with my kids dad for almost 5 years, there is a three year difference in our age... at 16 I got pregnant with our first son and at 19 I had our second son... he had no responsibility when I met him and the whole nine months he was in and out of the picture he didn't work or have anything once I modivated him to get his shit together he did and he did great.. after our son was born we decided to work it out and have a family and we did really good.. but sadly 2 years later we made a decision in moving in to his dad's house to try to save up (sadly me and his father never got along because he felt I should be taking care of his son) his dad is a asshole and lives off woman.. anyways that was a mistake I only lasted living there for two weeks and I left because my kids dad started changing up and being a jerk with me and would get mad and throw me out almost everyday plus would never defend me with his family.. it's been 9 months since we been separated and we still been sleeping together and seeing each other I thought we could try to work things out as he made it seem but I just found out threw his mom he has a gf but he yet hasn't said anything to me and now I think I'm pregnant with our third baby I haven't had a period til the August 26th and yes I have a regular cycle , I told him and I just got negative feed back, like that I'm trynna keep him and trap him with another baby.. mind you not I had to get off bc due to it moving.. I'm just tired of all the crap it's sad that his own mom takes my side and think her son needs to grown up he's 24 by the way.. I just need advice and someone to talk too please no negative comments