UPDATE: 15/07/2018 This app is making me obsessed and depressed anyone else have this feeling???


So I've been filling in my daily logs going on what days it is ovulation week and monitoring CM had a feeling I was pregnant glow got my period day wrong so I had a false hope thinking that my period was late and then today it arrived. made an appointment at the doctors as think I may have endometriosis so want to get to the bottom of it. It's really nice reading peoples success stories but also makes me feel like it's never going to happen I obsess over trying to find out things to the point I basically convinced myself I was pregnant which I'm not so Gunna leave this app for a while to focus on the important things like loving my husband instead of using him as a robot for when he's needed if you know what I mean 😉 UPDATE: 15/07/201 amazing how some time away from here and not focusing on what I have been for the last 5 years plus can make a difference I tree ovulation sticks got my first ever positive back in February was so excited that I ovulate and couldn't wait to do a ovulation teat the next month but didn't get to the next month as found out I was pregnant I'm now 22 weeks pregnant ams such an amazing feeling I use to read all the stories and think it would never be my time and to everyone out there stay hopeful cos it will happen when your body wants it to. me and my husband put our selves on a diet we made up ourselves I left a job that was really stressing me out and now life couldn't be any better so everyone keep trying xx