How do I change childsupport?

Justice • son born 12-9-16👦 missed miscarriage 7-12-17 at 10 weeks👼 blighted ovum 2-5-18👼baby girl born 11-25-18👧

So me and my husband pay his ex about 600 a month. he brings home 2600 a month after taxes etc. We pay all of the child's medical expenses, dental, and vision. mom doesn't have a job and is trying to stay in school as long as she can because her dad said he would pay for everything as long as she was in school so she keeps changing her major. anyway, for the past 3 months we started having my stepson from the 1st to the 10th every month. it was an agreement made between her and my husband. my question is since we now have him for 10 days a month how do I go about making sure that is deducted from the child support payments? do I just call the child support office and speak with them and then have the bio mom contact them also? the bio mom is well aware that this is happening for those who are wondering. anyone with experience of this please tell me how this works