A cry for answers nobody has. 😕

I'm 23. I've been with my boyfriend for over 6 years. We've been TTC for 5 of those. I've been on metformin/clomid/etc for 2/3 years. PCOS sucks. My doctor has referred me to a fertility specialist but I am so wishy washy about going.

It's not fair. Why is getting pregnant so hard? Isn't that what we are on this earth to do? Reproduce? I want my boyfriend and I to be able to do it without help.

My heart is just breaking. Yea, I know I have plenty of time. I'm young. Blah blah blah. That doesn't make it hurt any less.

I just want to see those two lines so bad. 💔

Nobody seems to understand what I'm going through around me. Ugh.