Bathroom decorating HELP!! SOS!!!


Okay ladies (and possibly gents)

I HATE my bathroom. Hate it. It's very 1950's, outdated, TILED and brown. As you can see. I've been trying to lighten it up and use lighter towels and shower curtains.

My dream would be to rip out alll this tile and put up wainscoting. However it's plaster behind and is just way out of our budget to even do so.

We live in a small ranch and the house was completely remodeled before we moved in, and we were expecting our first and this house really was a God send for us.

Well my basement bathroom is more up to date than this bathroom. Actually my basement bathroom is gorgeous.

Point of my story is, we don't plan on remodeling this because we are expecting again and will probably be moving into something much bigger.


My question is, I need more storage and Pinterest isn't really helping and I'm not creative enough to take something from Pinterest and make it my own.

We keep extra toilet paper on the far side of the toilet, However, my daughter is constantly getting into said toilet paper and loves tearing it up.

I need some sort of storage idea over the toilet to keep t stored up and away! The tile comes up so awkwardly high, I'd love to hang shelves, but I don't know how.

If anyone has suggestions or can relate to my very outdated bathroom I'd love to hear it!!!

P.S. my neighbor told me that the previous owner who moved in when the house was built in the 50's and lived here all his life, he owned his own tiling business and literally tiled everyone's kitchens and bathrooms in this neighborhood. It allll makes too much sense. I mean my fricken sink is tiled. 😂