Family Planning, Sex, Periods


I'm going to get personal and I'm really hoping to find some encouragement and healthy discussion from sharing. please be kind and think about your response before replying. **** My husband and I got married 8.21.16. He's 28 and I'm 25. We both want a family, eventually. He wants to wait another 2-3 years before trying to baby dance but I want to start "now." We aren't in our careers yet which is his biggest justification for wanting to wait-he wants the "right schedules" to dedicate to a kiddo. I understand where he is coming from and I agree, but I'm still sad about having to wait longer than I'd prefer. I am well aware youll never be "ready for a family" and that there isnt exactly a "perfect time" to do so, but I equally believe you can be somewhat strategic when it comes to being financially secure, a good home to have a family, a support system, etc. Here's the catch...we aren't trying, and we aren't preventing either. my last period began on August 25. my period is regular (nearly on the same day each month, give or take a couple days at the most). We had sex on Sep. 14th & 24th. I can't figure out when I'm ovulating to save my life. I began tracking my BBT almost a week ago. Yes, I'm taking prenatals and I exercise regularly (20 miles in 2 days just this last week). As each day passes I wander if I'm pregnant. I'm essentially a week late for my period. I haven't had any defining symptoms that would make me think/feel that my period is coming (I usually get a lower back ache a few days before and emotional/quiet about a week prior). I know a pregnancy test will give me my answer and I plan on taking one at the end of this coming week if I don't get my period. With all of this said, I'm wandering if anyone else has experienced this kind of "dilemma" before of one spouse wanting a kiddo and the other wanting to wait and maybe how they handled it or how it worked out for you? Thank you again for your thoughtfulness :)