Inducing earlier than due date


So I'm feeling very conflicted right now and I could use some other mommas advice. My due date is November 6, and up until now I have had a pretty normal pregnancy. Yesterday I got a call from my doctors office and they dropped a bomb on me telling me that my doctor is moving to a different location. I was shocked and upset and immediately freaked out. This is my first baby and I've gotten to know and trust my doctor and knowing that she is leaving completely threw me off. So the receptionist tells me she doesn't know where my doctor is going...and I can either follow her (which would entail changing paperwork and calling insurance and added stress), or I could switch doctors within the same practice. So today when I went to see my doctor she checked my cervix and said I was 1 cm dilated already, and that was good news. Then she proceeds to tell me that she's going to be able to continue to see me these next few weeks, but her last day is November 2. So she tells me that she can go ahead and induce me October 30th if I keep dilating...I told her I'm not sure and that I would need to think about it. But then she tells me okay that's fine but let's go ahead and schedule it just so that you're good to go for that day and can come in at 5:00 am. So my question is, do you guys think that I should let her induce me a week early with the pitocin? Or should I just stick with mother nature and wait until my due date (November 6) and let the other doctor in the practice deliver my son even though I don't know him? I just want to do what's right. 🙈 Either way I know baby boy can come anytime on his own so anything can happen...but I'm now wondering if maybe she just wants to induce me only because she leaving and not because it's what is at my best interest.