In laws?

My day as a stay at home mom, is draining. Basically because we(husband, myself and daughter) live with his parents. He is at work most of the day while I homeschool our daughter. I mean it's not horrible but my daughter is six we had six years to leave and yet he is still stuck to his mommy. I'm now pregnant with our second due on January 2, not planned. Now I'm stressing myself out because I told him I don't want to be here when the new baby comes.He agreed we needed our own space and was all for it.Weeks later he feels the need to ask me .. babe do you think we really need to leave? Me yes I really want my own privacy. And that was that. I feel his "mommy" is playing the guilt trip with him! Also his parents are giving us a house the best part is it's right next door omfg 🤦🏼‍♀️!but the house isn't even livable right now it's filled with shit! It was suppose to be remodeled to live in by the middle of next year! But that means we would have to live with his parents even longer. After he told me that it would have been done by the end of the year by the time the baby was born.i feel his parents are stalling on the home because if we leave his mother would be by herself.... even though we would live next door.FML, the only thing that makes me smile is my daughter and this little boy in my tummy!He thinks we should just wait it out since he's the only one working and he doesn't want to stress out , money wise but doesn't want me to work either so there's no winning with him.I mean money will be tight but we will still make it on his income!mind you it's not only his parents, his brother stays across the street and his family "nephews" are always here.when I had my daughter I was always agitated 😡 with his mother there were no boundaries with her. He told me to leave and I told him he needed to understand she was my first baby I wanted to bond and be a mom calm her down myself! I didn't need his mother's help.... so I packed my stuff because I guess he didn't think I was seriously leaving but I was to my parents. So he agreed to talk to didn't work and slowly I stop letting her get to me.Now six years later I'm feeling all the ways when I had my daughter except my son is not born yet ! I just needed somewhere to let out how I feel, to vent my frustration!

Yes I know it's partly my fault for even waiting on him to grow up and getting knocked up again. But I love him and I just can't get him to see the bigger picture!