jehovas witnesses


okay so my boyfriend wants to get back into the religion since he was i guess kicked out. im sorry if i offend anyone i dont know much about the religion i want to learn though. anyways hes going to be studying and attending i guess but im kinda nervous about a few things.

is it possible to not get accepted back in? will it change our relationship?

he is still legally married to someone else but have been seperated for a while. ive been with him 2 years so far um but w(ill being with me impact him gong back. im 19 and pregnant and stay with him. im not a part of that religion there are some things i hear that i disagree with but overall its his life and ill support him. also wondering if our child will have to grow up in that religion. his mom has kinda "tried to convert me" or thats how it felt like she started playing videos and downloaded the app on my phone idk it was all so much