
Hannah • Wife 💙 Mommy 🥰

Since my husband and I got married and moved in together he expects me to do literally EVERYTHING. He’s in trading for the navy and he’s almost done with his schooling. He works maybe 12 hours a day and then comes home and goes right to sleep, but when he’s up it seems like it’s always an argument. He expects me to cook every night, clean the entire house by myself, do his laundry and take care of our 10 month old puppy (who he’s no help training) al by myself AND work 40+ hours a week. He doesn’t get that I can’t do it every night and I’m tired too after work, even though I may not work as much as him sometimes. I’ve tried going on “strike” I guess is what you would call it. Stopped taking out the trash, doing dishes and laundry. I just let everything pile up of his but cleaned my messes and he still didn’t help with a single thing and I left it there for about 2 weeks before I couldn’t take the mess anymore. I don’t mind doing all those things I would just like a little help sometimes especially on his days off. Also we’ve been married for a year in December and he’s never made dinner for me one time and I try to make him dinner at least 6 nights a week. What should I do? Anyone else dealing with something like this?