My daughter HATES nursery school! Help!

Amanda • Happily married for 13 years ❤️ Mommy to 8 beautiful kids

She’s three. It’s from 8-12:30 everyday (M-F) The first two weeks she loved it and didn’t want to leave at pick up time. She’s ask to go on weekends and always talk about how it was so fun. Last week it started where she cries at drop off and now she has a full blown screaming fit where the teacher has to take her so she doesn’t run after me. My older son, 5, goes without a problem. Even though her brother is there, it doesn’t help her. The teachers say she calms down after five minutes and at pickup time, she’s happy, playing and wants to stay. Any advice?? I feel horrible leaving while she screams and calls my name! 😢