

My daughter was born the 30th and I have a 2 year old. I couldn't breastfeed my first due to complications, but I can with this little one. The issue is that she's feeding every 20-30 minutes. She'll fall asleep soundly and if she wakes up, she starts screaming to get back on my breast and feed. She can sleep in her bassinet, but not for long. Once she's awake the only thing that will calm her is the breast. I've tried 4 different pacifiers and she won't take any of them. I'm in tears here and I feel so guilty for wanting to move to formula. I'd be happy if she would stay calm and quiet when awake, but when she is awake, all she wants is to get back to the breast. I can't even sooth her by rocking or anything. She'll squirm and nuzzle looking for boob. I want to breast feed but I can't spend the entire day just feeding her. right now I have my SO taking care of the toddler but he has to be going back to work soon, I don't know how I'm going to take care of my toddler, if this munchkin wants to perpetually cluster feed. She's 3 days old but has only peed once a day and will poop 2+ times. help me. should I go to formula and pump for her or is there some other way I can get this to work! 😭😭😭😢😢