Pregnant or Paranoid????

So I had sex about 6 weeks ago for the first time on the first day of my period. I used my hands for a little bit and he finished on the bed. After that we began to have sex with a condom. We used a condom almost the entire time except for around 2 minutes when we were switching out condoms, he went back inside me until we finally got the condom situated. But again he did not finish. I have been paranoid about getting pregnant, and this was my first time having sex so it's even worse. In the middle of my cycle (according to <a href="">Eve</a>, my ovulation period) I began having some brown discharge that was strange and tissue-like then towards the end it was lighter and i saw a tiny tiny bit of pink/reddish blood, then it turned a white normal color and faded away. After a couple of days I began to get paranoid and decided the buy pregnancy tests.. which naturally said not pregnant. It lasted about a week and the only change in my daily routines was that I was orgasming many times a day via clitoral stimulation that week. As I said it lasted about a week and then went away. After realizing it could have been from all of the orgasms I made sure not to do anything sexual where I could orgasm for a week or so. Then I tried clitoral stimulation again and noticed that I had a tiny bit of brown discharge again.. so I concluded that it was my orgasms and not something seriously wrong with me...

(For the month of august my cycle was about 32 days apart.. which was a little abnormal considering it's usually the normal four weeks apart) for the month of September my period was supposed to start (according to <a href="">eve</a>) 4 days ago. I noticed in the days leading up to when it was supposed to start that I had no symptoms of my menstrual cycle.. and since it had already been 5 weeks anyway.. I decided to take a pregnancy test which yet again said: not pregnant. Although in the past few days I have had some weird tummy issues.. i do believe it was something I ate, but I have had diarrhea, and a bit of nausea.. but the nausea only comes when I wake up in the morning and then goes away. My breasts are aching and swelling, and they don't usually grow like this during my menstrual cycle.. after looking online I learned that sometimes ladies don't test positive on a pregnancy test until 8-10 weeks. I think I'm probably being paranoid, but breast growth, a small amount of weight gain, bloating, morning sickness, and late period sounds kind of fishy. Plus even though I took the pregnancy test for some reason I don't feel settled or relaxed. I still feel paranoid that all three were wrong or it's just not a good time to tell.. maybe I'm just stressing myself out, but i just can't stop thinking that I could actually be pregnant.. the stress could be the cause of all of this.. but it's just worrying me.. does anyone have any answers, solutions, or similar situations?