A Tough Year:


Man, what a tough year this has been for us with TTC! 😔

We had a successful and healthy pregnancy with our Little Phillip last October. Hard to believe he is about to turn one next week. I am 33, and my man is 36. As I watch him grow, I wish wish wish he had another sibling cooking up!

We lost baby 2 at my 12-week check-up in July. It was devastating, but realizing it happened pretty quickly we chose to have a positive mindset about it and just work towards TTC straight away. And we did. The very next month, baby 3 was conceived in early August.

Went to the doctor around Labor Day weekend and she said HCG was all the way down to 25 when I was supposed to be reaching 6/7 weeks. Another miscarriage. This time, I didn't have any symptoms except a regular period type of cramping and bleeding. Nothing passed. We charted it as a chemical pregnancy and three days later HCG reached 7, and then 0 shortly after that. Home tests finally came up negative, too.

Then, I missed a period this month (Aug 21st had a VERY light pink tinge of blood, then it was gone the next day). I thought to myself, this feels like the implantation bleeding I had with my first son.

I had regular OPK in between all of this. Wasn't really paying too close of attention to it, but just happened to check it at the right time because of EWCM and sure enough, ovulated normal around the 15th of Sep. I waited a week past my missed period just in case my cycle was messed up from having two miscarriages in a row. Then I tested. REALLY solid positive test on 1 October.

I want to be excited you guys, but after multiple miscarriages in a row, I am having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I pray 🙏🏼 this is viable and that the third time is the charm! Waiting to go see the doc until I'm way farther along this time and leaving it in God's hands. What will be, will be. I am doing it all right and being as healthy as I can. Got a little cold-like symptoms at the moment, so maybe that's a good sign!