9 month old


My 9 month old son had his checkup today and we saw another doctor because his usual ped couldn’t see him this week.

While talking to the nurse she noticed my son was moving his wrists and feet and asked me if he does that often and i told her yes. He also flaps his arms when upset or excited.

So she asked me a questionnaire centered around autism and Autistic behaviors.

After the questionnaire was over the ped came in to see him. She was very sweet.

She started looking him up and down and asking me more questions. She told me that because he makes great eye contact and is smiling and talking (he started saying “dada” while we were there which he says constantly, she is very sure it isn’t autism. She told me Autistic children don’t usually start talking until 2 years and that they have problem making eye contact and smiling and showing interest in things.

She wasn’t my normal ped so I am now worried.

Do any other mother’s LO flap their arms when upset or twirl hands and feet when excited or about to eat or when they are playing?