clingy MIL


So my mother in law thinks she has to see my baby literally everyday, everyday she texts me and asks if my baby is okay and if she can come see her or us come to her. Idk why but it drives me insane. And it wouldn't be that bad if she was the only one in their house but it's her mom,sister and her other son, they all come over and just hold the baby, they don't talk,and when I try to get my baby from them to change or feed her,they say "let me do it" or "I can get it". Like,that's MY baby? I understand her wanting to see her grandbaby,but we need family time. Everytime my husband is off work,she texts me and wants them all to come over and stays all day! She keeps getting mad at me because I don't want my 2 week old to stay the night with no crap lady. And not to mention,last time she changed my babies diaper,she put it on BACKWARDS, like omg😂How do you ladies cope with crazy clingy mother in laws???? I can't take it!!!