Super weird dream


So just as background I'm 18, in college, and have been with my boyfriend (he's 19) for almost a year.

I had this dream where my stomach started hurting really badly. So my boyfriend took me to the hospital and the doctor was like "not only are you pregnant but you are going to give birth tonight". So obviously we start freaking out. I have an IUD and so I asked the doctor a) how am I pregnant with an IUD and b) how would that have impacted the baby. The doctor said that he didn't know how I got pregnant and that the IUD would cause my baby to have noodle arms for about a week after being delivered. Then we called his mom and she normally is very old fashioned and by the book so we expected her to be angry but she only talked with my boyfriend outside and then came in the room and gave me water and pushed my hair off of my forehead. Then we called my mom who is usually very manic and unpredictable and surprise she was pissed. And then my boyfriend crawled into the bed and held me and I woke up.

Pretty weird. Super vivid. My boyfriend and I have been talking a lot lately about what it will be like to have kids together way in the future so I think that's what caused it.