First time on the pill


So I've been taking Depo since April 12,2017. I was due for my next shot on Sept 21 but I didn't get it. During the time that I was on Depo, I had no periods, only very light spotting. I had some light bleeding starting on Sept 14 & it lasted until Sept 27. I recently started taking birth control pills (MonoNessa), well today was my first day taking them. I'm just wondering has anyone ever taken this brand of BC & how did it make you feel? When did your period return for the 1st time if you were using Depo? I'm scared that I'll mess up & end up pregnant before I want to. I've also had 2 miscarriages, a few months apart, both due to blood clotting behind the placenta,one at 22 weeks & one at 14 weeks so my dr was trying to prevent pregnancy until at least next year to give my body time to heal. Any advice would be great! 😊