tongue tie.


My daughter was born with a tongue tie she wasn't able to latch on to my boob at all even with a consultant. We did take her to the doctor my husband's in the military so we have insurance three them we go to the hospital on base when I took her to get checked the lady was like yes she's definitely tongue tie so we can clip it but I feel like she kept trying to convince me not to do it and I honestly feel like she just didn't wanna have to take the time to do it. She was like we'll even of we get it clipped she's already use to the bottle and she probably won't latch on at all, then she said she could bleed to much and they have to put her to sleep to stop.the bleeding. like idk I'm sure those things could happen but their doctors. has anyone gotten their baby's tongue clipped? or didn't have their tongues clipped.? I wanna hear from both sides please.