Lesbian sex and stds

Can you get clamydia and stuff from lesbian sex? Did it for the first time a couple of months ago with a girlfriend of mine. She's a sex escort and I didn't really think it through.

I'm now getting random bleeding that's like a light period but one week after the real thing finished. Im a heavy drinker and have some drunk mistakes quite frequently, which is using baby oil as lubrication with my partner when he comes over late because drunk me thinks it feels better than regular lube. Maybe the bleeding is from that?

Told my partner about it but not in detail and am going to get checked, but want to give him as much bad news and good news prep as possible so he has time to think about it and prepare himself 😂😩

How would you pass on news at this stage of knowledge, and if I do have something, what's the best way to tell him!