Dorm Roommate


So I have this roomie for college, and she was really nice at first. But now all of a sudden she's setting all these rules and regulations and early ass bed times that were not in the roommate agreement OR the survey. She takes my food (my period snacks y'all) when I'm not around and she talks about me to her friends, and she always has to put up a whole curtain just to change her clothes🙄like we're 18, haven't you ever been in a school locker room? And she is all of a sudden sketchy about letting me have my boyfriend over even though she said it was fine in the agreement. She's being really rude and she's not really sympathetic to any of my struggles going on right now and she's really privileged. We come from two different sides of the fence😪it's too late to move her out, or move out what do I do? I've already tried talking to her, it does no good