Feeling Blessed

mdw💝 • Married❗️Family of 🙎🏾‍♀️🙎🏽‍♂️🙇🏽‍♀️ 👶🏽

I’ve wanted to be a mommy for as long as I can remember. It didn’t matter how, biologically or through adoption. Now that I am pregnant (23 weeks 4 days) I am feel like showing so much gratitude! I’m grateful for all the love and support from my family and friends! I’m grateful that my husband and I are in the position to take care of our daughter. I’m grateful that I will be able to stay home with her for sometime (maybe even homeschool). I am grateful she wakes me up kicking and punching in the wee hours of the morning 🙃. I’m so thankful for being surrounded by people who truly care! Children are a blessing no matter what and I just feel so good about becoming her mommy! I’m so happy I get to show her the love of Christ, human kindness, and prosperities.

My baby girl will have everything she needs and I’ve never imagined that we wouldn’t have to worry about anything other than parenting. We planned for her but everyone else is so eager to step up to the plate to get her what she needs! It’s a good feeling because my husband and I try to be independent.

I’m just saying that it is really nice to have people support you especially when you don’t expect it! I truly appreciate people and their kindness! I can’t wait to show it to them!