Clear blue Advanced OPKs worth the money


Good morning!

I’m on CD 13, and had been using ‘old school’ OPK strips for the past 2 months. (first month on femara/provera cycle)

After not seeing an increase or a trend in any of my tests, I decided to drop the $$$ on the ClearBlue Advanced Digital strips. I was stressing to much over the darkness of lines & peeing in cups, and knew I was self-sabotaging myself.

This morning was the first morning I used them (they recommend using FMU, unlike other tests) - lo & behold, I’m at peak!

My conventional strips weren’t showing any increase or changes. (I was testing 2X/day)

Moral of the story, if you’ve got a spare $30, order a box of these on Amazon.

I made the mistake of buying mine at CVS for almost $55, but I guess that’s the price for instant gratification!