Normal gas or something else?


FTM, c-section, and ebf. My LO feeds really well and has been steadily gaining weight. No weird colors in his poop - normal breastfeeding poop look and smell. We’re three weeks old today and I’ve noticed that he definitely has issues with gas and pooping.

After every nap he wakes up crying and seems to have to suck in order to get the gas and poop out. He does poop on his own too, but if I give him my pinky or nipple he’ll suck REALLY hard and then release a ton of gas and a big poop.

My ped doesn’t seem that concerned yet, but I’ve been wondering if it’s something in my diet. I’ve tried out dairy for the most part, no tomatoes or citrus, etc., but not really seeing a difference.

Sometimes he’s inconsolable until he poops and then is great. Seems to be worse at night/bedtime.

Should I be concerned, or is this normal for newborns and I’m just over reacting?