Unsure of cycle. ***UPDATE***


Had a chemical pregnancy last month. I'm not exactly sure if i should date it the 24th (start of spotting) or the 28th (start of some bleeding). So i started up my OPK on the 1st just in case. I don't know if i should keep testing, or count myself out this month.

They keep getting lighter. I test as soon as AF is done because my cycles are very short. They've been about 23 days. I should have had AF anytime between the 18 and the 21st of last month, but we thought we had our BFP. My HCG levels were 59 last Wednesday and dropped to 29 on Friday. We're ready to go forward, but i can't figure out my body. *****UPDATE***** 10/08/2017. I kept telling myself to keep testing at least once a day throughout the weekend. Of course i did it twice. The lines are getting darker. Fingers crossed. 🤞🤞