Financial burden

We have a 19m old baby girl. We both want to have another baby (married 5yrs together 13yrs and are in our 30s). I was the logical and careful planner and we waited to have kids when we had our ducks in a row. We both work full time, own a home, two cars etc. Daycare is obliviously expensive. We wanted to TTC next summer... but not sure if we can financially juggle another Daycare payment. How do you mommas do it? We make decent money (75k a year) but with everyday bills I’m not sure how we can afford a second daycare payment. So many people have numerous kids, and obviously don’t know details in their lives, but I struggle to see how people juggle the Daycare commitment. I’m anti debt so we aren’t credit card spenders or have debt outside of our cars/house/student loans. We have no family in the area so that isn’t an option. We obviously don’t qualify for state assistance. Just curious if anyone else is in the same boat and how you made it work?

Edit: SAH isn’t an option as we need both our incomes. I wish it was possible, but we make more then what two daycares cost per month. We already are thrifty with spending (shopping at Aldis, buying on sale, couponing). We cook at home and bring our lunches daily. We eat out maybe 1 every 3months. We grow our veggies when in season. We’ve cut back on everything we can think of, minus ditching cable. I’m 33.5, so the thought of waiting until she’s in kindergarten is scary. I already had a preemie and will be considered high risk, so adding another 4yrs onto my age to TTC isn’t recommended.