It’s just one of those days 😞

It’s been 3 years since we began our ttc journey. I have 2 children from my previous relationship I never had a problem conceiving them we had them fairly quickly. My kids’ father became an alcoholic and very abusive so I left him when my youngest was just 1 year old. My kids are now 9 & 8 years old, I’m in a new relationship and we’ve been ttc for 3 years now. Apparently I have Endometriosis stage 2 (had a laparoscopy almost a year ago) my fiancé got check too and he has really bad sperm count, motility and morphology. Our fertility specialist basically told us that the problem here is my fiancé’s sperm not really me 😞 he feels awful he thinks it’s all his fault and our only way to conceive would be through <a href="">IVF</a> not so much <a href="">IUI</a>. Our doctor recommended my fiancé to take vitamins, drink lots of water and retest sperm in 3 months again hopefully it improves and we have a better chance with <a href="">IUI</a> since <a href="">IVF</a> is too expensive. I’m loosing hope, I feel like our day will never come 😞 anybody in a similar situation ? Any success stories ? Anybody’s hubby/bf/fiancé with low sperm ? What did you guys do to improve ? I need some positive vibes 😞😭