Asking for prayers


Well, according to my clinic, I'm 37 weeks today. They went by the measurements of my first ultrasound to give me an estimate of how far long I was instead of by my last period. I've been trying to tell them this whole time that I'm farther than what they say, and I guess they finally listened to me. They had me to go the hospital this morning for another measurement ultrasound, and the baby is measuring 39 weeks & 2 days, some measurements said 40 weeks & 1 day, and she's breeched. Her head is still in my right rib. And she's already measuring over 8lbs.

Well, I go back to my clinic in an hour and hopefully they'll schedule my c-section in the next couple of days, instead of next Thursday as they planned before. I really don't want my body to throw itself into labor before I actually go in and complicate things. I have a history of big babies as is, they called it macrosomia. My last baby was 10.15lbs and I carried him the whole 40 weeks. He got stuck in my pelvic, turned purple and black then finally slipped out. Wasn't breathing or crying, and only 1 nurse bothered to work with him out of 6 nurses in the room. She noticed he wouldn't move his left arm and she had him x-rayed. His left collar bone had a fracture in it, and she said that was the only thing that saved his life. I don't want to go through that again, and I sure don't want another child to suffer like that again.

I'm just asking for prayers that things go smoothly with no complications.

Sorry so long.