I think Daddy is jealous of Baby Boy !


I’m in a long distance relationship/parenting situation. We miss daddy ☹️!

Anyway, my LO sleeps in the bed w/me during the early AM and through out the day because I’m too tired to go back forth from my bed and the crib. Every morning dad FaceTimes us he says, “that boy bet not be in the bed!!” and I show him and he says, “get out my side of the bed boy!!” I try to keep him in his crib through the night but in the morning we snuggle together. What’s wrong w/that?!? I think it’s cute and annoying. It annoys me because he makes a big deal w/the boy being in my bed and I’m the one doing this by myself in the middle of the night. Hell he sleeps better in the bed w/me. So, I’ll say something like, “Well, when you come YOU can go back forth from the bed to the crib.”

Am I wrong for letting my 6 wk baby sleep w/me?! What do y’all think? I’m like, shut up.