11 days past trigger, true BFP or trigger?!


Hi everyone, I need help/opinions! We did not do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this round but this board was the closest I could find to post in about trigger shots.

I gave myself my trigger 10,000 Pregnyl on Sun the 24th so today I’m 11 dpt. By my ultrasound I ovulated that Monday or Tuesday so either 9-10dpo.

I tried testing out my trigger but all my tests at home stayed the same (hardly any lighter or darker) and then today got this!

Not fmu, probably a good 3.5 hour hold tho.

So what do you guys think? Is it possible?! I feel like the trigger should be gone by now, or at least too low to detect anything..