Tongue-Tie Issues


From the first latch after my daughter was born I had a feeling she was tongue tied. I successfully breastfeed my second daughter and the latch was just wrong. I kept having issues for the first day and then I told the nurse I suspected tongue tie. She looked and agreed and then lactation came and agreed. However when the hospital pediatrician came she said that she didn't. I just couldn't believe her so I went to another lactation nurse after I was discharged and she confirmed a major tongue tie. So by this point my nipples are cracked, swollen and I'm engorged. Baby just had her tie clipped today but she hasn't wanted to latch because my nipples are so swollen.

Has anyone had this happen before? What did you do? Anyone know how to bring down nipple swelling? The swelling is more painful then the healing cracks. I got some "Pumping Pals" flanges for my pump and those have helped with engorgement but I don't know how to get baby to latch.


It was a long rough night but she finally latched and stayed latched nursing well. Hopefully it wasn't a one time deal but it felt really good.