So I’ve been talking to this guy since July...

So I’ve been talking to this guy since mid July. I told him how I felt first and it turns out he felt the same way. So we continued to talk and I asked him in like the middle of August if me and him are talking and he said yeah we are. So I tried asking him what me and him are earlier this week and he said he doesn’t know. Him and I FaceTime, call each other baby, flirt, kiss, like everything. We were just FaceTiming yesterday and he was telling me how he’s coming to see me tomorrow. (We saw each other last weekend too when he came to visit) I’ve been meaning to ask him again but I told him to just tell me when he figures it out what he wants with us but I feel like it’ll never happen tbh. I was thinking the next time I’ll ask him is Sunday...I don’t really like talking about it because I feel like I’m just going to end up bothering him but I feel as if I won’t get any closure if I don’t know what me and him are. We act like we’re dating but haven’t actually made it official. I wanted to ask him what does he want with me like if he just wants to be friends or date. Other than that I have no idea what else to do. Advice please?