Love help


Ok biesh! Hold Up i have a lot to say so please get ready LOL

First of all, there is this person I am seeing. We started as FWB yenno like friends with benefits, but now we are hanging out more like without the sex and talking a little more, but last time we had sex, my friends with benefits saw a guy that was as the same culture as him and my friends with benefits said the sweetest thing in their language to the taxi driver saying "Make sure she gets home safely." And then we hugged and what not and he wanted me to text him when I got home and when I get off work. So then, after I got in the car the taxi driver noticed and said "Wow he is in love with u isnt he?" and I sadly replied "No not yet." 😂😭😭. And the taxi driver was like "Oh really? I think he does especially he said to make sure you get home safely." And I saw that too. But my FWB always smiles around me and always taps the car whilst smiling to say that everything is good to go whenever I leave in the taxi and we wave bye to each other after and sometimes he blows me a kiss. We even go on "dates" to eat and he always accomodates me to make sure I am ok. He was even ok to meeting my family one time. Like...😩 FML! WTF?! 😭


The very next day after the taxi driver incident and what not, I went into work and my coworker claimed I looked happier and better. Yikes! I'm shook too biesh dont worry. LOOL 😰😨🙀😱🤷🏾‍♀️

I think I am starting to develop feelings for my FWB but again I THINK especially because sometimes I cant see myself with him. Is that BAD??

and I am sure that I think I have feelings due to the sex we are having isn't it? Anyways, my FWB said he does want a relationship sometimes and sometimes he doesnt cuz he thinks how draining it is and says he cant deal with one right now cuz he needs to make sure he is ok first and that his family is ok too. That is exactly what I am feeling and have been saying to my ex mind you I dont talk and havent been talking to my ex in a long time dont worry but I don't know what to do or what to say? Like should I wait since I dont really know what I want either and idk if I should be in a relationship right now? Should Or can I still see him? Ya'll think it will eventually be something? What do you think? And what should I DO????

Please help if you can:) Am I exaggerating or being dramatic or just overthinking too much and should just go with the flow??? He does not always text back cuz he is like that but so am I and also wheb we talk I guess we are both shy ish and our convos arent as long and there are many silences. So would it not workout should I not think of a relationship with him? I already thought if him first as a friend and how he would be and so far I've seen he is truly a respectful great friend, but idk what to do so please help if you can. Thanks!:)