Catching feelings


3 years ago I met a guy while out dancing..... Do you guys believe in love at first sight?? Because at that moment, I did! I gave him my number and we met up a couple of times after that. (But I lived an hour away so it wasn’t often) when we finally had sex it was AMAZING. A month went by and one day I received a message of him requesting a picture of me, which was weird since he hadn’t talked to me all day. So I decided to call him and he told me he had a girlfriend and that I needed to leave him alone. I was in complete shock that I just stayed silent and so did he and neither one of us said anything so I quickly hung up. About a week later he called me and apologized for what he did. He said he wanted to see me and explain everything to me. I had strong feelings for this guy and sooo many questions, so I agreed to see him. When we finally met he told me that they had split up and that he was really sorry for not being honest with me. I was happy to know that she had left him, but I didn’t want to be with him either. If he did it to her, he could also do it to me. So two years passed by, I got back with one of my exes by this time (another long story) and wouldn’t answer this guys calls even though I never stopped having feelings for him. At the end of last year he called and we talked on the phone for an hour. And I told him I still had a boyfriend. So he wouldn’t call as often and understood that I couldn’t be answering all his calls. 4 months ago I started feeling unhappy with my boyfriend, he just stopped trying and he kept cheating on me. So I got tired of it. I didn’t tell my “friend” Luis this but one day when he insisted in meeting up, I agreed. I reminded him that I had a boyfriend, but I told him that I wasn’t happy. He told me that if I wasn’t happy I should just leave him. But he also said not to do for him, to do it for myself! So I did. I left my boyfriend, but it felt that it was over months before anyways so I didn’t go through all the emotional phase. (He had hurt me a lot in the time that we were together so I actually felt relieved to get him out of my life). Luis and I actually started hanging out more but I also noticed he wasn’t trying to be in anything serious either. So I lied to him one night that I was drunk and told him that I wasn’t looking for anything serious because I knew he wasn’t either but that I did want to have sex with him. So he quickly agreed to that. Its been three months now that we have been having sex. In the last week he has slept over 3 days in a row. And I feel like I’m catching strong feelings for him, but I don’t know how he feels. I’m scared to ask him and him tell me that he doesn’t feel the same way... I don’t think I would be ready to have him leave my life just yet. But I also don’t want to allow my feelings to continue growing for someone who doesn’t even feel the same way. What should I do???

Sorry for how lengthy this is, but if you did read it all the way please advice me!